When we argue for "Supportive Parents" and "Quality Teaching" as critical factors in achieving academic excellence, it is difficult to convey this message in a meaningful way. In addition, this site argues for "Building a Learning Culture" again, a difficult concept for many to visualize.
In the following interview with teacher Anitra Pinchback, it all comes together for me.
Note the following statements by Ms. Pinchback:
"We are always looking for outside accountability but as educators we should have inside accountability, too. You should do it because it works not because someone is looking"
"Each year, I meet with my parents during the first 2 weeks of school. I cover learning expectations and standards, and set the tone."
"I worked with parents on their (the child's) behavior and attitudes. I told them it's a lifestyle (culture) change for the family."
I hope these few excerpts have whet your appetite for more. Because there is much, much more.
Click on the link below for the full interview. If you have a passion in this area, you will not be disappointed.
How Do You Get Black Kids to Learn? Teach!
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