Poverty is identified by some as the reason many- poor but particularly black- students are not performing well on standardized measures. Of course on the other end of the spectrum is the absurd assertion that limited intelligence is the real cause.
Neither position is correct. Poverty definitely causes significant problems for its victims, but poverty has been and can be overcome.
PERSEVERANCE is the appropriate response by students, parents, teachers and the community.
We can not be discouraged or defeated by the data, challenges or opposition.
I am dedicating this page to capture thoughts on PERSEVERANCE. We plan to add to it from time to time. For now, the opening five entries should be sufficient to get us reoriented.
1. "And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance: and perseverance, character; character, hope." Romans 5:3-4
2. "There is no poverty that can overtake diligence." Japanese Proverb
3. "If you consistently do your best, the worst won't happen." B. C Forbes
4. Sir Winston Churchill took three years getting through eighth grade because he had trouble learning English.
5. "Never give up." Sir Winston Churchill in an address during an Oxford University commencement exercise. These words were his total speech. Something to remember when facing difficult challenges.