Our Standards of Excellence will include achieving (or not exceeding in the case of a negative indicator) at least the national average (unless otherwise indicated) on the following measures:
1. National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
2. Dropout Rates (U.S. Department of Education) http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2011/2011012.pdf
3. Average Freshman Graduation Rate (U.S.Department of Education-same report containing dropout rates above)
4. ACT Score 24 or above http://www.act.org/news/data.html
5. ACT College Readiness Benchmarks (same as ACT in number 4 above)
6. SAT Score 1650 or above http://professionals.collegeboard.com/profdownload/2010-total-group-profile-report-cbs.pdf
7. College Graduation Rates-U.S. Department of Education http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2007/2007161.pdf
8.State of Louisiana(Caddo Parish):
iLeap/Leap Scores: Mastery or above
End-of-Course Assessments: Score Good or above
High School Graduation with a standard diploma: 85% or above
United States Education Dashboard: The President set a goal of the U.S. by 2020 will have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world. The following link is a dashboard of indicators that allow us to monitor our progress.
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