In a column by Cal Thomas that appeared in The Times on October 29, 2009, Thomas makes the following statement.
"If conservatives and Republicans support an exodus from public schools as a strategic goal, they will strike at the heart of liberalism, while simultaneously liberating minorities trapped in failed government schools. To free them and teach them about America and its promise of hope will produce everything they are looking for but can't find in politics. It will also pay political dividends as children and their parents see which party and persuasion cares about them enough to bring real change to their lives."
Oh, how benevolent master Cal is today. He wants to help "them" free "them" and teach "them" about America.
No thanks master Cal. I'm going to fight for a strong public education system that will not lead "them" to depend on the kindness of conservatives and Republicans.
How distasteful! How condescending! How downright insulting to "them" and to the very ideals this nation has come to stand for.
You better wake up folks. If we continue to buy into the myth of how terrible our public schools have become, and flock to voucher and charters as the savior, then we are getting on another boat destined for a reverse voyage in history.
Black leaders, where are you when we (them) need you the most?
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